Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Farmer Jake's Pumpkin Patch

Trunk or Treat outfits!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Smarter Mammal

Many people think that dogs are a smart animal...but they don't think they are that smart. They think that when they tear a pillow up after you have previously punished them, they didnt' know any better."Nay!!", I shout in complete disbelief. All the soothsayers whom say, "Leave the ignorant animals alone to theirpillow spoils shall be proven wrong with this story of tragedy. Last night I went outside to work out on The Bowflex. 2 things: 1). Yes, The Bowflex. If you work out for 7 minutes a day you get chizzled and all yourchest hair falls out. 2). Yes, it was 115 degrees outside. But I only had to be out there for 7 minutes. I now believethe sun actually scorches your chest hair off. Anyways, I tripled the required workout time to 21 minutes for reasons unknown. When I first exited the comfort of home, I placed my cell phone on her crate about 2 feet away from me. The entire time I was outside, our dog Shea watched me, walked around a little, played in the grass,etc. She did not show any sign of interest whatsoever in the cell phone I put on her crate. I finished my workout,now feeling like a concentration camp victim shoved into a hot box, and walked inside. I had not been inside morethan 30 seconds before I realized I had forgotten my phone outside. I walked outside and Lo, it was nowhere tobe found. "Hmmmm," thought I. "Either the heat has melted my phone, a midget gnome has stolen it (they can't betrusted), or Shea has it." What do you know? Shea sat there watching me, and walked around the yard, for over 20minutes and didn't so much as look at the phone while I worked out. She waited until I walked inside, and then immediately nabbed it and took it over to the corner of the yard on the opposite side of the house. Nice, I am dealing with a faster animal with sharper teeth...and it's smarter than me.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


So the day of the operation came. The nurse that helped me with the pre-op stuff was super nice and lied on my weight a little to make me seem a little buffer than I am. Then the evil one came...the one that jabs you in the arm with a sharp piece of metal (I.V.). She started telling a story as she prepared to gouge me. When she finished she was all, "There, I told a story so you wouldn't think about the needle." When she left I leaned to Lauren and ask her what the story was about...cause I am older than 5 and my attention is not drawn away from an oncoming piercing object by a 2 minute story. I laid down and the anesthesiologist entered. He said, "Well Mr. Kay, I'm afraid I am going to have to remove those testicles." Me, ", huh?..." Anesthesiologist, "Oh, I mean spectacles." We had a good laugh and he took my glasses off. Then he said to relax and I would start to drift off. Now, I am not sure what I actually said, but I do remember seeing the room and lights start getting all distorted, and from what I remember...yelling that "the room is spinning....and evrythng is gtting all wierrddd and funnny looookinnggg....". Everything after that is 3 second bits and pieces, which Lauren somehow caught on video using my cell phone. She said that when I got out and woke up a little, I asked her about 3 times, and asked a couple nurses, if I still had my man parts, apparently because of the anesthesiologist. She didn't get that, but had a good time with the videos anyways.

Friday, May 21, 2010


The day of goodness draws near. Monday I will enter a place filled with knives intended to cut human flesh...and I couldn't be happier! Finally, after nearly 2 years of living what I am sure the people in Hades will not even experience, I will have sinus surgery. In my last appointment with my doctor, I asked him what he will most likely remove from my clogged schnaz cavity. He looked at me thoughtfully, though surely shuttering inside, and said, "Well, I see lots of stuff. I'll probably cut away some tissue that has grown (a nice way of saying something living has attached itself to you and is feeding) and then I'll open up the actual passage and remove the congestion. This usually ranges from a clear like fluid, to green peanut butter." Ah, the horrid that engulfed my body as he finished that last sentence. "Could he possibly know..." I wondered, "about 11 year old scouts when we all snorted peanut butter on a dare for Billy's king size candybar??? Surely that error is not the cause of my current discomforted state." As I held back the dry heaves, a smile eventually crept over my face as I wondered of the stories he would surely tell his friends after dealing with my clogged sinuses. "You should have seen it Fred!! Whatever was up there was actually counter blocking, and trying to throw a right hook at my scalpal!" Wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Catalina Island

Fun bike trip up to Botanical Gardens
Beautiful scenery
Jacob, was basically shaking. ha ha
Me not shaking.
He is not really happy, he scared.