Saturday, June 5, 2010


So the day of the operation came. The nurse that helped me with the pre-op stuff was super nice and lied on my weight a little to make me seem a little buffer than I am. Then the evil one came...the one that jabs you in the arm with a sharp piece of metal (I.V.). She started telling a story as she prepared to gouge me. When she finished she was all, "There, I told a story so you wouldn't think about the needle." When she left I leaned to Lauren and ask her what the story was about...cause I am older than 5 and my attention is not drawn away from an oncoming piercing object by a 2 minute story. I laid down and the anesthesiologist entered. He said, "Well Mr. Kay, I'm afraid I am going to have to remove those testicles." Me, ", huh?..." Anesthesiologist, "Oh, I mean spectacles." We had a good laugh and he took my glasses off. Then he said to relax and I would start to drift off. Now, I am not sure what I actually said, but I do remember seeing the room and lights start getting all distorted, and from what I remember...yelling that "the room is spinning....and evrythng is gtting all wierrddd and funnny looookinnggg....". Everything after that is 3 second bits and pieces, which Lauren somehow caught on video using my cell phone. She said that when I got out and woke up a little, I asked her about 3 times, and asked a couple nurses, if I still had my man parts, apparently because of the anesthesiologist. She didn't get that, but had a good time with the videos anyways.